The Alpha Course

Here at St Peter’s we’re excited to run the Alpha Course – a ten week set of short film discussions, with food and the opportunity for conversation. It’s a great chance to get to know new people (or to know people better) and to think about life, faith and meaning in the Christian context.

When Alpha was originally developed forty years ago it was created as an evangelistic tool – a course for people new to faith, to Christianity, to church. It was a ‘basics’ programme, and it has given thousands of people in this country and all around the world the chance to be curious and open to understanding more deeply our faith. Sessions cover Life, Jesus, the Cross, the Bible, the Spirit, Prayer, Church, Telling others etc.

But Alpha isn’t only for those with no knowledge of Jesus – it is also an opportunity for all of us to reflect on what we each think, believe or are curious about; the chance to ask questions and chew over big concepts together. You can watch a trailer at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to know when our next Alpha is programmed, please email church or contact Rev Kate directly with questions (455 4682). You don’t need to bring anything, do anything before the course and there’s no homework during it.

All are welcome. Please sign up below. We can’t wait to see you there!

    Please sign me up for Monday evenings from JanuaryI'd be interested in another night or a daytime courseI'm interested but I have a query - please add in the box below: