
new_beginnings_mainWe aim to live and deepen our faith at St Peter’s. We long to grow more into God, to strengthen our capacity to witness to him and to serve his people in love. We believe that being church and attending to our own faith takes more than one hour on a Sunday.

Bible Study

We currently run two home groups which meet each week to pray, read the bible, discuss issues, eat cake, pray and laugh together. Sometimes these follow a topic, such as the study books by Nick Fawcett, sometimes they have a theme prepared by some of the ministry team, sometimes they choose to study the weekly readings. New members are always welcome, please ask for details. Currently, the study groups are working on Andrew Roberts’ Holy Habits – fellowship and eating together.

Prayer Group

1d1a8d23-991d-468b-8fed-5f1671ef7bb5_560_420In Advent and in Lent we meet weekly for silent prayer, during the rest of the year (excepting the summer holidays) we meet monthly for 40 minutes as a small group around relevant topics. Prayer group is a Monday, mostly at 11am – 2020 dates will be here shortly.

Daily Prayer

Members of the ministry team usually meet at 6pm each evening in church to pray evening prayer or compline. On Wednesdays it is 7pm after the enquiry hour. This is a quiet 20 minutes of scripture and prayer, usually from Common Worship.

We also have a short pattern of daily prayer for all who wish to join us in praying for the world and our community, in a small booklet you can keep at home. Some of our members who do not get out so often, especially in the dark, appreciate this, as do those who would like to instill an easy framework of prayer into their busy daily lives. Copies of daily prayer and the accompanying prayer cards for all the streets in the parish can be collected in church, or can be delivered by calling the church office on 455 4682.

Home Communion

We also have a number of extended community, who are visited and receive communion at home. There can be a time of life when questions of faith become more pressing, and the pastoral team are happy to come and visit, chat, share prayer in the old traditional language and bring communion. Please contact the church office or Pauline Taylor (455 6346) for more information.

Children and Young People

Children may be prepared for first communion from the age of 7, and we encourage their growth in faith in Stepping Stones and Junior Church, as well as in serving in the service. We also run Messy Church and our younger service ‘Sing Praise’ in church. Please see separate menu entries to learn more about our children’s and youth work.




